1/ 12 瑞士摄影师兼数码艺术家Monica Carvalho擅长通过照片剪接营造出超现实的感觉。看过了她的视觉艺术作品,再去看这个世界,会发现自己也开始浮想联翩…… Free Your Imagination
2/ 12 Architectural Symphony
3/ 12 The Eye-Cing On The Cake
4/ 12 Long Time No Sea
5/ 12 Rocky Road Ice Cream
6/ 12 Matri-Arch
7/ 12 Lip Glass
8/ 12 Mother Nature Is Watching You
9/ 12 Street Dog
10/ 12 Saucy Lips
11/ 12 The Sound Of The Sea-R
12/ 12 Pho-Toe-Synthesis